Attesoro Instructions - Translating


After Attesoro is running and file that needs to be translated is open, the translation work can begin.
  1. Select a language for which you want to write translations from the list of languages in upper left. In this example "Italian" has been selected.
  2. Select a translation key from the list in the lower left. In this example "Birthdate:" has been selected.
  3. The text that needs to be translated will appear in the "Default Text" section at the top right. In this example "Birthdate:" needs to be translated.
  4. Type the translation into the "Translated Text" section. In this example "Birthdate:" has been translated to "Data di nascita:".
Selecting a language and a key, then translating the text. Selecting a language and a key, then translating the text.


Comments do not appear in the running Java application. Comments may contain instructions about where in a program the text is used, or how it should be translated. Unless instructed otherwise, it is not necessary to translate comments.